Damião Santana, Fátima Finizola and Solange Coutinho

Recife (PE)

Abridores de Letras de Pernambuco
[Sign Painters from Pernambuco], 2013


Mapping the remaining "sign painters" in the state of Pernambuco, based on an extensive visual documentation, was the proposition put forward by the researchers. As a result, the group covered almost 500 miles from the coast inland, with stops in six cities, and became acquainted with the trade of twelve sign painters whose work is now compiled in a publication. Some originals were displayed in the exhibition to show the materiality of the paint, the medium and the hand gesture.




photo: André Seiti

about the authors

Fátima, graphic designer and researcher, and Damião, information designer, are partners at Corisco Design studio. They are both responsible for the development of a collaborative project called Crimes Topográficos and are coauthors of several books on design. Solange is a designer, researcher and teacher at the Design Department at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE).