Lucia Mindlin Loeb

Sao Paulo (SP)

Av. Celso Garcia 2004/2014, 2004 and 2014


In 2004, Loeb made a thorough photographic survey of the two sides of Celso Garcia avenue and of a small area of Rangel Pestana avenue, in the Eastern region of Sao Paulo city. At that time, the material was published as a visual essay in the magazine Sexta Feira #3. Exactly ten years later, she repeated the same itinerary with her camera. A comparison of these photomontages, which allude to the work of artists David Hockney and Ed Ruscha, draws our attention to the changes in Sao Paulo landscape in the last decade, particularly more profound after the enforcement of the Lei Cidade Limpa [Clean City Act] in 2007.




photo: Maíra Acayaba

Avenida Celso Garcia, odd side

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Avenida Celso Garcia, even side

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about the author

Graduated in graphic design, Lucia has been working with photography since 1991. She took part in solo and collective exhibitions at important museums, galleries and cultural centers. The artist was granted the Estímulo de Fotografia award from Secretaria do Estado de São Paulo, in 1993, and was nominated to Prêmio Investidor Profissional de Arte (Pipa) in 2012, the most relevant Brazilian award in visual arts.