Marcelo Drummond

Belo Horizonte (MG)

From the Obliterado [Obliterated] series, 2012


Located in a heavy-traffic road in Belo Horizonte, the Posto de Molas Paraibana announced its services through a signboard, hand-painted by the owner of the establishment. In 2012, during a movement of urban remodeling and cleaning of the Antônio Carlos avenue, local authorities requested the signboard removal. The sign painter readily fulfilled the request. However, instead of erasing the sign, he simply filled the letter counters and left them nearly legible. Reading is still possible, but the letters are gone precisely because the distinguishing element of the characters had been modified: the relationship between form and counterform. An ingenious act of revolt photographed by designer and artist Marcelo Drummond who, by turning each one of these letters into a framed picture, highlights the aesthetic expressiveness of the obliterated characters.




photo: André Seiti

photo: Maíra Acayaba


about the author

Marcelo is a graphic artist, professor of graphic arts in the Escola de Belas Artes da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) and is in the process of obtaining his PhD in visual arts. He is founding member of Laboratório Piracema de Design and researcher of Grupo Gramma – Ateliê, Reflexão e Memória das Artes Gráficas. He also integrates the Núcleo de Estudos da Cultura do Impresso (Neci) and took part in several exhibitions and art shows in Brazil and abroad. The artist won important prizes, such as Bienal Ibero-Americana and Jabuti.